Today was a long awaited snow day for the kids. We all enjoyed the day off from our normal routines and spent time sleeping in, practicing music and reading. It was a gift. After things thawed out a bit, my daughter, who hopes to someday be a marine biologist, and I ventured out to go to the Newport Aquarium. We were rewarded with the place pretty much to ourselves. My favorite exhibits are the otters and the jellyfish.


Lately I have been doing a lot of reading, much like I did when in school; lots of books on many, varying subjects. A couple of my current favorites are Lucy Lippard’s The Lure of the Local: The Sense of the Place in a Multicentered Society, and Yi-Fu Tuan’s Space and Place: the Perspective of Experience. Both are books that address the human desire to find a home of sorts, and to place oneself in the world at-large in context to the sense of place one feels in belonging somewhere.

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This is all sort of floating around in my head with the notion of maps and mapability and finding one’s way, both physically and spiritually. Is there a way to make this into art? I think so. And so I read, and sketch and stew. I’ll keep you posted…

Comments (1)

  • Fiona D February 13, 2008 - 16 years ago

    Thanks for sharing these books – I will look out for them for my husband, who’s very interested in place (and non-place). You might like Katherine Harmon’s You are Here – Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination (Princeton Architectural Press). It’s very visual.


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