Sketching the Myths of Ireland

With Amy’s love of traditional Irish music and of course the island itself, it’s natural that she winds up getting her sketchbook out when touring and traveling. For this trip she’s gathered some long time Irish friends steeped in the music, history and legends of Ireland to pull together a week in Ireland like no other.

Join us in the southwest of Ireland for a week of Irish culture and folklore, art, traditional MUSIC, exploration of ancient historic sites and stunning natural beauty. With the limited number of participants on this trip, our itinerary can be catered to varied interests, with optional side trips on offer for GOLFING, HIKING and other quintessentially Irish activities. There’s likely to be plenty of sketching as well!

This tour includes lodging for 6 nights at Mills Inn, breakfasts during the tour and on day of departure, artisanal lunches as well as transportation from Cork City or Cork Airport to and from the inn and to all of our daily adventures. There is gentle art advice along the way so that you can collect your experiences in a creative travel journal should you choose to. For the musicians among us, there are many evenings filled with music and instructional opportunities on hand as well. There can truly be something for everyone in this very special week in Ireland.

Dates are as follows:

Our team picks you up in Cork City on SUNDAY August 10, 2025 (Please plan to arrive a day or two early into Cork)

Our programme runs from the Evening on Sun. 8/11 until departure day on 8/16.  Our team will return you to Cork City on August 16, 2025

Prices will depend on whether we fill all the spaces available. As of current registration trends, the cost is 2750 Euro per person, with a discount for those sharing a room.

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Want to know more about this workshop? Click the button below to reach out and I will gladly answer any questions, comments or inquiries.