Twist of Hemp ~ Week 19 It is generally held that piping can be thought of as a relatively solo pursuit. Especially at the very beginning when no sane individual…

Twist of Hemp ~ Week 19 It is generally held that piping can be thought of as a relatively solo pursuit. Especially at the very beginning when no sane individual…
On Dreaming. Often times, one must simply make a commitment to something. Sometimes these commitments are small, such as making one's bed each day,, eating more kale, or promising to…
Piping is tricky. Most days it seems like an impossible task. We hear the playing of one of the greats, and we think, "there is absolutely no way I'll ever…
The pipers are learning a new march this quarter, their fingers attempt the gymnastics of a classic pipers move, The Cran. They bubble and dwiddle, sparkle and dribble, deedle and…
It is the dawning of a new year, nay - a NEW DECADE!!!!! With this comes the courage to try new things, to meet new friends and learn to trust…
It is the eve of Christmas. There are parties to attend with fellow creatures, many feasts to enjoy, gifts and food to share. John Joe is careful to capture solitude…
Pipes are nigh on impossible to keep in tune. Especially in winter! John Joe, and so many like him, take to more magical ways of dealing with temperamental reeds..... Like…
~Twist of Hemp~ Week 5 John Joe Badger has worked and worked for weeks on his own, amidst countless cups of tea, and twigs on the fire in the woodstove. …
~A TWIST OF HEMP - Embarrassing Blowouts~ ……With much practicing, John Joe Badger has learnt most of a simple jig. He has invited a couple of his closest friends and…
~A TWIST OF HEMP~ week 3 of John Joe Badger's journey into Uillean Piping...... John Joe is diligent in his efforts on wrestling the octopus-like instrument we call the Uillean…