::: TWIST OF HEMP week 37 ::: It's the ocean side of this journey, and we couldn't be happier. It being Tuesday, I have a John Joe Badger drawing to…

::: TWIST OF HEMP week 37 ::: It's the ocean side of this journey, and we couldn't be happier. It being Tuesday, I have a John Joe Badger drawing to…
" I sat down on the bank above the beach where I had a splendid view all around me. Dead indeed is the heart from which the balmy air of…
Ballybunion is a bustling seaside town in the summer, but it quiets down quite a bit in the 'off season', as many of the best places do. There is a…
"I don't want realism. I want magic." ~Tennessee Williams There is much coming and going of late. Hither and thither we work and play. I'll share a bit here as…
"I don't want realism. I want magic." ~Tennessee Williams There is much coming and going of late. Hither and thither we work and play. I'll share a bit here as…
Difficult to believe that at this time just last week, we found ourselves in the magical, mist-ical lands of coastal California -my hub just barely cracking through his shell of…
Today is my 46th birthday. As is often the case this time of year, things are in a state of semi-controlled chaotic flux, what with school starting soon and Big…
"What will today bring? I hold my breath, dive down. Come to the surface, gasping, empty handed. I catch my breath, then dive again. Maybe this time. I reach…