This morning, just after my first cup of coffee, an autumnal sonic assault begins. A murderous whirring of epic proportions. The gas powered leaf blower. It is nigh impossible to…

This morning, just after my first cup of coffee, an autumnal sonic assault begins. A murderous whirring of epic proportions. The gas powered leaf blower. It is nigh impossible to… New album, Songs of Instruction, by Kim Taylor, is now streaming...... I highly recommend it. The wind blows and blows and blows today. The sort of ill-wind which sets…
Ginger Small and I have been playing a bit with stop-motion It is a blustery day in the Hundred Acre Wood, proverbially speaking. Blessed with a studio day, I seek…
Ginger Small and I have been playing a bit with stop-motion It is a blustery day in the Hundred Acre Wood, proverbially speaking. Blessed with a studio day, I seek…
"I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by how (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights." (often attributed…
2019 travel journal WORKSHOP DATES are officially posted and open for registration! (Click on the linked pages below for all the specifics!) Antigua, Guatemala: March 30- April 5, 2019 OR …
Been hard to concentrate round here, what with 'political whiplash' as one friend put it. But drawings get done in between staying informed and active. Our friends in Hamstertown are…
I don't know about y'all, but I feel rode hard and put away wet after this last week or so. That statement may seem like an uber-use of the vernacular,…
Tonight there Is a super-moon in the sky. And a fire in the hearth. And maybe, just maybe, a little more love in the world.
It's a delightfully cozy morning here. I am just landed from a wonderful weekend away to Oak Ridge, Tennessee for the 8th annual Tune Junkie Weekend where a few of my…