Difficult to believe that at this time just last week, we found ourselves in the magical, mist-ical lands of coastal California -my hub just barely cracking through his shell of…

Difficult to believe that at this time just last week, we found ourselves in the magical, mist-ical lands of coastal California -my hub just barely cracking through his shell of…
A number of years back, one of my dearest friends discovered a little light growing inside of her, someone we all were excited to meet. Someone who at the time…
Tomorrow evening, a bunch of us Cincinnati based artists and illustrators will be gathering to celebrate what has turned out to be a fantastic group show featuring all things Star…
I love moths. Not so much the ones who like to eat up our woolens when we aren't looking, but rather the more showy ones. A number of years ago…
Just before my recent trip to Guatemala to celebrate our 25th (!!!) anniversary, I drew a little bird on a bit of cloth, knowing there might be long airport waiting…
It's a delightfully cozy morning here. I am just landed from a wonderful weekend away to Oak Ridge, Tennessee for the 8th annual Tune Junkie Weekend where a few of my…
It's a gloriously frosty morning down here in this Springvalley of ours. The cold seems to have settled in for the season and it all feels a bit early, though…
"If we want to create art, we have to stitch together the inner world and the outer world." ~RobertBly With all of the usual autumnal preparations in full swing, combined…
Outside, the sky is falling. Pieces of it, in the form of ice crystals, go pitter patter on the roof and windows. We are weary of winter here in Ohio,…
Here at Chez Beaugard, our puppies are slowly becoming more grown up (one faster than the other). Lady Iris sits patiently while the climate of hibernation continues... Back in December…