The Illuminated Journal (i.e. prettying up the diary)

There is simply no better way to capture a place, an idea, a person or animal than with a drawing in your journal.  I keep an active book myself and teach workshops on my process of keeping an Illuminated Travel Journal.    Contact me for details on next year’s trip to Taos!

Repeat student (and intrepid, adventurous traveler!) Barb works in her Taos NM travel journal, above.

Drawing a dog is a great way to warm up in your journal from day to day.

Above is more student work from Taos.  Here is Jo’s work.  Nice job Jo!!

My sketch-journals come alive most when I’m traveling….

For more examples of my sketchbook work, and also some work more in the ‘fine art’ realm, visit the Portfolio on my home page!


Comments (1)

  • Micromovements: » Drawn April 25, 2012 - 13 years ago

    […] Sketch-journaling!! […]

  • Suzanne Tractenberg August 17, 2012 - 12 years ago

    I love your website and the prospect of taking part in one of your Taos workshops…..I am more musician than artist and have been working on my drawing skills… but am really a beginner; and have taken several ‘book-art’ workshops as well as Chinese brush painting. …with the goal of creating a travel journal of the wonderful car adventure I took last summer three days after I retired. I spent 9 weeks driving 8500 miles around the country…keeping notes and gathering special items to be put into an artistic journal for my granddaughter. (Grami’s Great Adventure). She just turned 4, and this would be something for her to have when she is older. The description of your Taos trip/workshop sounds like it would provide just the help I need.

    I am just beginning to learn how to use watercolor…not so much as an artist, but to learn the properties and various techniques to use more as a background on a page on which to write. Does that make sense?

    I would love to hear from you and receive any information on upcoming workshops, especially in Taos for next year.

    thank you,


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