It's the final full day at camp and we are blessed with a gorgeous day, yet again. There have been hikes and swimming and napping and sketching. There's been a…

It's the final full day at camp and we are blessed with a gorgeous day, yet again. There have been hikes and swimming and napping and sketching. There's been a… The last time we were renovating, we were relatively new to this house, busy with elementary school kids, eager to create a home for them that would grow with… Recently I've participated in some online workshop-gatherings of a sort. Neither have been "classes" per se but rather more intended as an artistic shot in the arm - a…
It's fun to see how others have weathered the isolation in recent months. Here it's Rumikub. There have been many games, apparently. Locals remind themselves of what is lovely here,…
"In today's rush, we all think too much... seek too much... want too much... and forget about the joy of just being." ~Eckhart Tolle * I don't know about…
It's been a lovely wanderer of a rainy day. Storms rolling in and around. And, per the usual in recent weeks, we haven't much we really need to do. Inspired…
Start with the shape of a carrot. "ish". Add a "head" to your carrot shape. And then a wee shadow to ground your developing figure in space.... (for the record,… There is a lovely and welcoming new gallery space situated right downtown where things are busy and fancy like. Some of us "urban sketcher" types have wrangled a few… Raw December day, wet, dripping with rain and fog. Last night's few inches of snow turn to slush and mud. I opt for a day home sketching and drinking… Raw December day, wet, dripping with rain and fog. Last night's few inches of snow turn to slush and mud. I opt for a day home sketching and drinking…