Just read a snippet about the expression "where the one-eyed man is king" which seems relevant for the times. This album came to mind. It's lovely, especially when pondering… Just read a snippet about the expression "where the one-eyed man is king" which seems relevant for the times. This album came to mind. It's lovely, especially when pondering…
Yesterday evening I took a break from breaking news. (not news at all really, more like a collective zoom-based anxiety rave bent on driving us all insane as we wait,… It is a gentle, rainy day. "Soft" as they sometimes call it in Ireland. This kind of weather might annoy some people, but honestly I like it. The coloring…
It seems an age ago that were in Maine. Coastal time, cool, crystalline lakes, like a dream. We are now back in our own home, land locked here in our… Midweek, and we are away. Skies - sunsets in particular - have been magnificent. Reminding us of our small place in the world. Evening jaunts on the boat…
"In today's rush, we all think too much... seek too much... want too much... and forget about the joy of just being." ~Eckhart Tolle * I don't know about…
When I have fears that I may cease to be Before my pen has glean'd my teeming brain, Before high piled books, in charactry, Hold like rich garners the full…