"There is another world, but it is in this one." ~W.B. Yeats Recently, we spent a week away in another world. Down to the low-country coastal barrier-island of Tybee we…

"There is another world, but it is in this one." ~W.B. Yeats Recently, we spent a week away in another world. Down to the low-country coastal barrier-island of Tybee we…
" For an artist to be interesting to us he must have been interesting to himself. He must have been capable of intense feeling, and capable of profound contemplation." ~Robert…
I start the day with a long walk and a visit to the sea side where it is low tide. It has been rainy overnight and so the day is…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NogPlgO7jng By day, my porch-based co-worker Poppy and I work on some sketches and picture post-cards to send along to my trusty pen-pals. We also sketch. Crows caw in the…
It's fun to see how others have weathered the isolation in recent months. Here it's Rumikub. There have been many games, apparently. Locals remind themselves of what is lovely here,…
To begin, a poem from my friend Tina Westerkamp, in response to and in conversation with poet Wallace Stevens while on a run. Running Conversation with the Connoisseur Over Time…
Oh y'all. I don't know about you, but I could use a hug. I get them here from my hub now and then, and I am grateful for that to…
This time last week I was in Austin, Texas, visiting artful friends, meeting new trees and dogs. A good time was had by all and I was (and always am)…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFMSh6fnw8U Raw December day, wet, dripping with rain and fog. Last night's few inches of snow turn to slush and mud. I opt for a day home sketching and drinking…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFMSh6fnw8U Raw December day, wet, dripping with rain and fog. Last night's few inches of snow turn to slush and mud. I opt for a day home sketching and drinking…