Mornings of late are a cacophonous riot of beautiful birdsong. Whenever possible, even on brisk spring nights, I keep a window cracked to be the first to hear their… Mornings of late are a cacophonous riot of beautiful birdsong. Whenever possible, even on brisk spring nights, I keep a window cracked to be the first to hear their…
Greetings from Maine. My home away from home. (I have a few.) There is a yearly gift I offer, to the muses of art and music, to that of friends…
Firstly, To my dear patrons, this post is a "public" post, intended for those who maybe don't read as often, or who may be new to the work and are… By day, my porch-based co-worker Poppy and I work on some sketches and picture post-cards to send along to my trusty pen-pals. We also sketch. Crows caw in the…
It's fun to see how others have weathered the isolation in recent months. Here it's Rumikub. There have been many games, apparently. Locals remind themselves of what is lovely here,…
"A glorious something else awaits." ~Cheryl Strayed, Tiny Beautiful Things I sit with the sadness this morning. Like so many of us in this time of so many griefs… As any of the long time readers among you here already know, much of the focus of my work involves the art of keeping a travel journal. I am…
Start with the shape of a carrot. "ish". Add a "head" to your carrot shape. And then a wee shadow to ground your developing figure in space.... (for the record,…
"Deep peace of the running wave to you. Deep peace of the flowing air to you. Deep peace of the quiet earth to you. Deep peace of the shining stars…
It is the dawning of a new year, nay - a NEW DECADE!!!!! With this comes the courage to try new things, to meet new friends and learn to trust…