We begin a new chapter in recent days. One filled with the sweetness of a puppy's young breath while haunted and hunted by the pandemic. The weekend saw us driving…
We begin a new chapter in recent days. One filled with the sweetness of a puppy's young breath while haunted and hunted by the pandemic. The weekend saw us driving…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maqDWDyuLUo&feature=youtu.be It is pouring rain this morning. Despite this, I walk a few miles before sitting down to write. Work at the concertina shop beckons as well - buttons to…
"There is another world, but it is in this one." ~W.B. Yeats Recently, we spent a week away in another world. Down to the low-country coastal barrier-island of Tybee we…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuacPZPgsSU "It is in your power to withdraw yourself whenever you desire. Perfect tranquility within consists in the good ordering of the mind. The realm of your own." ~Marcus Aurelius…
It seems an age ago that were in Maine. Coastal time, cool, crystalline lakes, like a dream. We are now back in our own home, land locked here in our…
Last autumn, we popped in a little batch of garlic lovingly sent to us from a dear one in Maine. The garden out back was to be a long term…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrMPCvQeH3A This evening I was walking the lone, remaining dog up the drive. She doesn't care for a long walk really, being fully deaf and mostly blind, but she does…
"In today's rush, we all think too much... seek too much... want too much... and forget about the joy of just being." ~Eckhart Tolle * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAO9vgNTLZk I don't know about…
It is a discombobulated time. I for one feel a bit unmoored and adrift of late. (Perhaps we all do.) It is the season for journeying but I, like everyone…
"To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work." ~Mary Oliver It's funny to me, my own internal cycles of inward-facing versus outward-facing; of intense productivity versus steeping an…