Tonight there Is a super-moon in the sky. And a fire in the hearth. And maybe, just maybe, a little more love in the world.

Tonight there Is a super-moon in the sky. And a fire in the hearth. And maybe, just maybe, a little more love in the world.
I am just returned from an intensely inspiring conference at the Mazza Museum, an oasis of beauty and innocence in northwestern Ohio of all places. If you are anywhere near Findlay,…
Today is my 46th birthday. As is often the case this time of year, things are in a state of semi-controlled chaotic flux, what with school starting soon and Big…
Finally, after some flirtatious hints in previous weeks, the goddess of Spring has bestowed upon us warm breezes in which to bask, a carpet of greening with which to readjust…
A week ago today I arrived in Taos here to the Mabel Dodge Luhan House to begin my long awaited residency. It has, thus far, been a magical time filled…
In just over a month's time, I have raised over 65% of my goal of $2500 which will offset costs for my upcoming writing/working retreat in New Mexico. It's been…
It is autumn time and despite some sneaky warmth in the weather, Ginger and her friends know that winter cannot be far on the heels of fall. And so, between…
It is a blustery and quite rain-drenched day here in the Ohio Valley. Indoors, Ginger Small and I are carefully weaving together our plan for the work that will be…