Flyin’ By
It is Thursday of week one of the Antigua workshops. I find myself in that headspace where things are chinking into place, an old language of art and creativity once more being readily spoken with ease. It is like sinking into a long awaited hot bath.
There has been much painting by everyone here, myself included, which doesn’t always happen. But our group this week has been keen to dive right in from the very beginning. This is harder than it seems.
Together we explore and capture local ruins in our sketchbooks. We enjoy time spent painting at the posada when the heat of the day gets to be a bit much. It’s all just so lovely.
It’s not all work and no play of course. Being here in Antigua is to enjoy the wonderful landscape of food and culture, colors and sounds. It’s a rich place indeed. Last night there was a couple busking in el parque on my way home from dinner.
Another evening we stopped in for a treat at a local bakery and I spied a murmuration of worries which I found intriguing. Yesterday as part of our work-week we visited La Nueva Fabrica, a contemporary art museum located just outside of Antigua in a town called Santa Ana. It’s delightful and quiet and just enough off of the beaten path. It leaves the flavor of tourism behind and offers up daily life and friendly smiles.
There is so much more to tell but I am tired and want to block in a sketch or tso before I fall to sleep. I am thoroughly enjoying the constancy of art down here. I will miss my new friends from this week even as I look forward to the smaller but surely no less rich week to come.
More soon!!